Custom Surveys & Projects


ADE provides a custom web application service for specialized or unique situations. Often, our customers choose to expand their use of the PASS Web software to include other unique client data requirements. We work with program staff to discuss workflow and needed data requirements. A project specification is approved and the application or new survey is developed. The custom application begins with the PASS Web system and is modified to meet customer specifications. Customers receive a custom application, specifically designed to meet their needs, without lengthy development time.

Additionally, we offer a Custom Survey Service. This service provides a way for our customers to create unique surveys or add questions to the existing surveys in the PASS program. Typically, the custom survey is produced in an online format as this provides the most flexibility. The data collected can then be reported back out to the customer in most standard formats or we can create unique custom reports for you.

We can provide a wide range of other custom services. These services include web applications, database design, custom survey creation, hosting, reporting, training, and ongoing support. Our staff will work with you to make sure your application changes with your changing program needs.

For more information on custom projects or surveys for your program, please contact us at 1-800-334-1918.